Recreational Shock Value

Have no fear, because hopefully I won't

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

Friday, August 26, 2005

Some Other Beginning's End

I'm home again.

There's something about being in that place that you've hung your heart even after all the changes that it might have gone through.

Already I know that this year at the Round House will be different. I'm more confident and already know the people, and my roommates are . . . different.

Deficit actually lived in my house while I was away at Anderson for the summer, and boy did he LIVE in it. Now it's becoming a matter of getting him to move out of it at least enough that we can come in. I'm slowly forcing my way in and hope that eventually he'll get back in his corner and keep most of his dirty laundry there with him.

Gold is young and apparently at that stage where he knows everything . . . I hope that he'll forget it quickly so that he doesn't scare all the girls away from my beloved abode.

As for Late Boy, well, he still isn't here so I really don't have much to go on . . . besides the message he left on my phone asking about how good of an idea it would be to bring a bunk-bed.

Looking over my current situation it's becoming quite clear to me that I'll be the patriarch of the group and can only pray that they'll respect that when I tell them something about how it might work best.

No matter what happens at least I've got a number of friends that I can retreat to in a time of need.


Blogger Kate said...

Hehehe. Daddy Jim. You as the grown-up in the house worries me a tiny bit.

11:35 AM  
Blogger frogkisser said...

It is tons of fun to be the parent of a house full of people...... Wait, no, that was a lie :)

4:13 PM  

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