Recreational Shock Value

Have no fear, because hopefully I won't

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

Monday, February 26, 2007

No Games of Charades Left to be Played

I'll be honest, this blog has not been my place to vent and to cheer about dating wo's (woa's? whoa's? woe's? . . . I think I like woes the best.) about dating woes. However, there are some things that tend to be life changing enough in the world of love that they simply can't be ignored in any aspect.

One might assume that an engagement to get married might be such an occasion, and so I've opted to make a little variance from the norm.

Saturday night, my girlfriend (Her eyes are Hazel, therefore I will give her the name of Hazel for the time being.) Hazel and I went out for a very nice dinner at the Olive Garden. On our way out I sent the message to Double that he can get things ready for Hazel and I.

A friend of ours was having a party over at the church and we were supposed to bring some root beer for the party, so we went to the store to get some other things as well. (This bought time for Double to go into the room at the church which held a small kitchen where he set up a stereo with a CD of favorite waltzes.) We purchased some ice cream, milk, and bread (you know, the essentials for college students.) and then Double called asking if I'd be willing to do him a favor by going over to the church to pick something up for him (this was also prearranged to keep Hazel from suspecting anything.)

We didn't want the ice cream to melt, so Hazel brought it in. We went into the room and as she began to put the ice cream in the freezer I started to open different doors looking for the "thing" that Double left. (He put it in a random door, so I really was looking.) She noticed the stereo and the CD and excitedly asked if we could dance. Meanwhile I found the ring and mentioned that it might be the thing that we were looking for.

Hazel looked a slight bit confused as to why Double would have left his engagement ring there, but clarity suddenly came upon her as I dropped down to one knee and asked if she would marry me. After a very excited "YES!" I turned on the music and we danced the night away.



Blogger fantastic funk said...

Wow, that's so great! Congratulations, my friend, I'm so happy for you!

9:26 PM  

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