Recreational Shock Value

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Sledding In Gullies

There are always pros and cons to living in a tight knit community such as an apartment complex. Any night I can go out and find somebody to just sit and talk with, or to play some games, or watch a movie, or any number of other things.

One great example of this is the Round House Date Night. This week we've decided to invite a couple of other apartments. For some reason we just kept thinking of other people that we wanted to get involved and now we're looking at about 15 couples, yes that means about 30 people.

However, getting this date together also causes problems. Case in point; #14 and The Pianist were over chatting with Smilie and me when the subject of the date came up and we started to plan with #14. Unfortunatly I'm not asking out The Pianist whom I took on a date last week and have been working on getting to know better. She is obviously aware that we are all getting dates, and she won't be mine.

Now I'm not really sure that I'm all that interested in The Pianist. I just want to get to know her better, just as I do with a number of different girls. Guess what it all comes down to is that if the book isn't going to be opened I'd rather be the one to keep it closed. Isn't that a selfish thought. So often we decide that we want to be the ones in charge of everything when really we are the least capable to do so.

How many different things come into our lives that we determine to be in control of? How many of those things should we really just leave in the hands of another that is more capable and understanding? It's strongly against our nature to do so. Man's desire is to be the master of his life and all things around him, when the only thing he really can control is his own choices and actions, and so often he fails to be wise in that department to begin with. Why should he have any more power which he wouldn't be able to handle anyways?


Blogger B said...

I am probably one of the biggest control freaks that are out there. I am beginning to learn to open my fists and let go of some of it and I am amazed at how nice it is to let someone else have the reigns. Although painful at first due to the fact my fingers have been tightly held down for so many years, I can get more completed with open hands.

8:48 AM  

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