Recreational Shock Value

Have no fear, because hopefully I won't

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

Monday, June 05, 2006

Escape From Kiddie Land

Some people have those events that they can remember so vividly as the day that changed their lives. A number of my friends might be going through such experiences even as we speak. As for myself, I simply grew into myself.

I spent the entire day on Saturday at the greatest amusment park in Utah, (because it's the only real amusment park in Utah,) Lagoon. There was a lot of time spent waiting in line for this ride or that ride to get fixed and we had loads of fun, (sorry you couldn't make it.) It wasn't unusual for us to be having a conversation when a child would squeez past us and plant their little face against the measuring stick to see if they were tall enough to go on the ride by themselves, or go on the ride at all. Every now and than a little moan of sadness would sound or a cheer of achievement.

While we were running from place to place my mind did some figuring and came to a realization, for as long as I can remember my family made an effort to go and play at Lagoon for at least one day of the year. If my memeory holds correct (which it rarely does,) I've only gone four years of my life without making an attendance to the amusement park. Many years ago I was one of those children running up to the sign staring with anticipation at the words "You must be THIS TALL to ride this ride."

Each ride varied and every year I would go on all the rides that I was allowed to and then try to discover new ones that would admit me aboared. I simply grew into the rides that I enjoyed the other night much like I've grown into my current life that I enjoy so much.


Blogger Kate said...

I feel much the same way about my life. I think I've only missed three years since I was seven. I'll be going next month (still sorry I missed out) and I'm sure that I'll love it as I always have. :)

5:56 AM  
Blogger Heidi said...

Hubby still makes me check to see if I'm tall enough for the rides! Alas, I won't be going this year. Even if I'm tall enough my tummy is too big to fit in the seats this year!

9:33 AM  

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