How's It Gonna' Be?
I'm one of those personalities known as a "white personality". I'm non-confrontational and avoid arguments. Some might call me docile or maybe serene.
For some reason he tends to make me the opposite. We have fun together and enjoy one another's company until something comes up that we don't seem to agree on. Now admittedly I have taken him on in subjects that I don't know wholly about. However I do know SOMETHING and at least he could give me credit for that.
How our disagreements usually start is that he will say something and me, not being entirely agreeable to the statement, will question it. The only thing I can interpret from the whole thing is that he feels I am questioning his intelligence or something because from that point on he down right refuses to acknowledge that I may actually be correct about something.
Maybe that's what gets me the most, that he will not let me just make a point. Either I'm right or I'm wrong . . . wait, no, I'm wrong because even when I am right he will tare it apart and find some piece that is wrong--thus making the whole statement obsolete, and I am once again an idiot.
For a while I was deeply interested in theatre. I recall while studying theatrical directing a point was driven deep into my mind which applies in so many aspects of life. Take suggestions and show to the person that gave them how much you value their comments. Work with it and let them realize that maybe it wasn't the best suggestion. Given that this is to be used in different degrees depending on how badly things can really go wrong, in a conversation it's important that we be willing to listen to one another and actually LISTEN to what they have to say. See what their point is and let them know that you see it. If you don't agree feel free to offer your view on the matter . . .
This has been a public service announcement.