Recreational Shock Value

Have no fear, because hopefully I won't

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

Friday, June 17, 2005

How's It Gonna' Be?

I'm one of those personalities known as a "white personality". I'm non-confrontational and avoid arguments. Some might call me docile or maybe serene.

For some reason he tends to make me the opposite. We have fun together and enjoy one another's company until something comes up that we don't seem to agree on. Now admittedly I have taken him on in subjects that I don't know wholly about. However I do know SOMETHING and at least he could give me credit for that.

How our disagreements usually start is that he will say something and me, not being entirely agreeable to the statement, will question it. The only thing I can interpret from the whole thing is that he feels I am questioning his intelligence or something because from that point on he down right refuses to acknowledge that I may actually be correct about something.

Maybe that's what gets me the most, that he will not let me just make a point. Either I'm right or I'm wrong . . . wait, no, I'm wrong because even when I am right he will tare it apart and find some piece that is wrong--thus making the whole statement obsolete, and I am once again an idiot.

For a while I was deeply interested in theatre. I recall while studying theatrical directing a point was driven deep into my mind which applies in so many aspects of life. Take suggestions and show to the person that gave them how much you value their comments. Work with it and let them realize that maybe it wasn't the best suggestion. Given that this is to be used in different degrees depending on how badly things can really go wrong, in a conversation it's important that we be willing to listen to one another and actually LISTEN to what they have to say. See what their point is and let them know that you see it. If you don't agree feel free to offer your view on the matter . . .

This has been a public service announcement.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Let Me Go

I've recently gained a great respect for those people that are able to take some time off from life to go out and live just off of what they can carry on their back. Or at the least that will just travel living out of their car for a summer working where they can and having experiences that would never come any other way.

I don't exactly view this life-style as glorious, but the idea that they don't have any bills to hold them down--THAT is exciting! I'm so sick of debt that I'm almost willing to sell my car just to get out of it right now . . . it's not like I really need it here in Logan. I could fix up my bike and get around quite well.

Ok, my day dream is over now . . . thank you for your patience with me.

Friday, June 10, 2005

I Only Read the Comics and the Obituaries

As children my sisters and I would play in the tree for hours. My buddies would come over and we'd still play in the tree. Every now and then when I get the urge to climb a tree I think back to the Grand Ol' Maple in front of my parent's home, easily the tallest tree on the block.

Rather, it was the tallest tree on the block. Today I stood in the GOM for the last time. I held a chain saw in one hand as I climbed up the ladder (which as I've discovered makes climbing ladders so much more exciting because you have to start the engine while still on the ground) With a few labored cuts at the odd angles I was given the last two large branches fell, each with a tremendous crack and a thud. However that was nothing compared to the trunk its self. It took the work of two chainsaws, two wrecking bars, and an axe to finally get that thing to topple. We still haven't moved it from where it fell, but I'm sure there is a crater in our lawn from the heavy piece of hardwood. It was a little shocking to see it come down so forcefully that it didn't even bounce, it just went down and embedded into the ground in an instant.

We still haven't decided as to what we want to do with the two and-a-half foot thick trunk, so feel welcome to give some seggestions. As for the GOM, it will be in our memories. After looking at the rings and trying to count them we figure the tree was at least 30 years old . . . we'll miss the Grand Ol' Maple . . .

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Inspiration From a Friend

I've grown up taking technology for granted, both my parents are heavily involved with it so I've pretty well grown up with a computer at hand.

Now if I can sit down at a computer for about ten minutes I'm doing quite well for myself (which explains why I haven't been doing many updates lately.)

Even without a computer at ready access I'm still keeping busy and mostly out of trouble and everyone is beginning to realize that it is summer. . . even though it SNOWED last Tuesday. Yes, it SNOWED! Not to the degree that you have to stop for a second to realize that it's snow, nope this actually began to create a white blanket on the ground. I caught snow flakes on my tongue in June . . . how many people can say that? ;)

It really is quite sad that snow is the biggest news I can come up with. Maybe I'll actually get some ideas for you all to ponder in a minute or two.