Recreational Shock Value

Have no fear, because hopefully I won't

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Sunless Sunburns

My life continues in it's eventless continuity, which makes for usless blogging.

I've grown up with girls all my life. My only brother moved out while I was still young and left me to be raised by my three sisters. As I look back on my college life the majority of my friends have been girls, which holds true even today. I'd like to think that I have a pretty good understanding of what girls might go through in a day (at least compared to other guys.)

Younger Mother is currently going to beauty school and needs a lot of practice, so I decided to play one of her guinea pigs. After sitting in the chair for a good bit longer than I ever could recall we went to get the hairs on the back of my neck . . . with wax.

I vowed a long time ago that I would never shave my legs, let alone wax them, and I still hold strong to that creed. However, I shave my neck all the time and so it stands only to reason that waxing it is just as good. After my experience I've come close to a decision, it's not certain yet. I probably won't be playing with wax as a way of hair removal again.

There are two basic reasons for this decision:

1. Which is actually first and formost, you have to grow the hair out long enough that the wax can grab hold. When she had first put the idea of waxing my neck into my head I thought it would be a good experience, but as time went on and the hair continued to grow, I was quickly becoming annoyed and wanted to simply shave it off. Shaving is quick and takes no prep time, you notice that it's getting too long and you cut it down to size.

2. It happened almost a day ago and, though subtle, I can still tell that my neck was used and abused. I will admit, it hurt. Shaving doesn't. At all. In fact, I rarely bleed when I shave, unlike when you pull hairs out by their roots.

So, to all you ladies that wax your legs for that sexier smoother look, thank you.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Today Only Happens Once in a Life-Time

Realization has come to me that I'm a slow learner, or maybe I'm just a little thicker than most. Any number of my friends can hold smaller duties and learn enough about their own eternal salvatioin to last for the next two years or so. God looks down on me and sees that the only way to teach me is by giving me enough responsability that I can't ignore the lessons to be learned, then after I THINK that I've begun to understand He jumps ahead and throws another assignment.

Some day I'll actually know what it is that's being drivin into my soul, till then I'd better work on getting more organized.