Recreational Shock Value

Have no fear, because hopefully I won't

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Stage is Set

As many of you were aware, it's been over a year since I've taken any classes from the university. Well, that will change come the end of August. I am once again a student!

It's been great to just be able to wake up, go to work, come home and be done; but it's also given me time to realize that I want more than to just be making money. The job I do is a good one and, for a student, I'm paid well. However, this is not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life (though I have already had such offers.) THAT is why I'm so excited to be going back to school. I'm going to learn and do more.

In fact I'm going to be giving some time at the locale zoo starting next week. Mind you it's only voluntary till another opening comes along, but I'm starting down the right road.

For a fellow who doesn't have a lot happen in his life, a lot is happening in my life. :D

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Times Keep Changing

He enjoys musicals and Disney; has always worked an odd schedule, and dresses like a cowboy. When Algae Eater informed me that our roommate was gay, I actually wasn't all that surprised. Oddly enough it made more sense to me. (And it really didn't bother me because we were never that close which gave me the idea that I'm not his type . . . and I'm bigger than he is.)

I'm in a manual labor job that often requires heavy lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. So it's not too often that we have girls even apply for the job, let alone (after they find out what the job is like) decide to work with us. For the first time ever though we have two girls, one is my cousin who worked in the Navy for a number of years and the other is a lesbian.

Some people really do get freaked out just being around homosexuals, I use to. Over time I've come to realize that their just like the rest of us as long as you avoid talking about their dating status ;) For some reason I've become comfortable around them more than I'd ever thought that I could be.

I have a strong belief that homosexuality is wrong. After discussions with friends about the political issues about equal rights I've decided that my best option is just to force everyone to be straight. I know this isn't going to happen, but for me it's just the easiest answer to a difficult issue. But no matter how wrong I may find such practices, I still do enjoy both my roommate and coworker for who they are, not what they might do.