All The Small Things
Ok, this was just TOO funny to pass up, I know some of you will actaully apreciate this!
Have no fear, because hopefully I won't
Ok, this was just TOO funny to pass up, I know some of you will actaully apreciate this!
Lonely Man has had his share of ups and downs . . . ok, I need to change that, Lonely Man has had his share of downs with a scattering of ups.
So many people go into work simply to earn a paycheck. I'll admit that sometimes that's the only thing we can do, however is it the only thing we should do?
When a policeman is sworn onto the force, are they to uphold the law only while they are in uniform? When a nurse gains their EMT certification are they able to walk past an accident with injuries?
Lonely Man finally decided that he needed to go talk to a lawyer in preparation for the divorce papers that where on their way to his home. They actually arrived the day after Lonely Man's appointment with his lawyer. Upon being served with the divorce papers Lonely Man had 10 days to respond.
Unfortunately for Lonely Man his wife is currently staying with her parents in Nevada, and since she's been down there for over 6 months she can claim residency and thus falls under Nevada state law, which in case you didn't know differs from Utah state law. Lonely Man's lawyer doesn't know Nevada state law but told Lonely Man that he would find a lawyer to help him.
The 10 days where up on a Monday and by the Friday before Lonely Man still hadn't heard from his lawyer, after constant attempts to reach the lawyer Lonely Man was informed that the lawyer had gone home. With that information Lonely Man came to realize that he was about to lose his family all because some lawyer wanted to get home quickly so he can pack up and get a good camping spot.
Do we ever realize that our choices have effects on other people, and while our jobs in the fast food business or working as a janitor might not hold quite so many consequences to others, maybe we should do a little more to work because we feel like we're doing something worth wile rather than just to make our next car payment.
Apparently my summer has worked out to be quite a bit busier than I'd expected, add that to the matter that I can't get to a computer as readily as I'd hoped and it pretty well makes for a dead blog on the internet.
I'm looking over my scheduling and will be able to find some more time in the next while to get out some of the thoughts in my mind. Till then, be happy knowing that I'm alive and making myself an annoyance to whomever I'm able.