Recreational Shock Value

Have no fear, because hopefully I won't

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Is it Really Here?

I was talking with a good friend of mine and the events of a year ago came up in our conversation. I must admit that while situations where a lot more ackward at that time then they are today it still seems that life was easier for me through the trials then life is now just making from one exam to the next.

As I tried to figure this out it slowly came to me what was different. While not perfect, during that time I feel like I was doing pretty well spiritually speeking. I can't say the same for now.

It's so easy to forget the real things that make you happy. The things that help you to know what's important.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

I Started the Joke

It has been pointed out to me that guys revel in their injuries far more than girls do, and I fully accept that. I imagine that a part of that belongs to the fact of how the injury was recieved.

For example, football: Last Saturday we held the annual Turkey Bowl. We where all laughing and having fun with one another, but that didn't stop us from trying to win. By the end of it we where all a little bloody and bruised. (If any of you recall the original MIB when Edgar gets taken over by the roach, that's about how all of us where moving.)

I find it interesting how injuries of all kinds seem to work and heal in much the same way. It usually hurts worst of all right when it happens, keyword here is USUALLY. (When I got the knee to my thigh I didn't really notice it till after the play was done . . . ) Afterwards you will favor the injured point by using it as little as possible and even protecting it if you can, not often possible in such activities as football and other agressive sports. The worst part about injuries is that they will often last longer than the game itself did. The longer the game has been played the greater the injury seems.

We can never really tell when everything has gotten better and when we're ready to go back out there and try to make another tackle. I guess the only thing we can do is hope that the game we're playing won't kill us, and when it does just work hard so that you can be ready when the game decides it wants to kill you again.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Segwa 2

Unlike a number of people, I really did enjoy high school. My friends and I had a lot of fun and oddly enough we even had fun with some of the teachers. However, it's a little funny to look back and see how we percieved the world. As far as I see, I was a pretty smart idiot.

One of my best memories was how excited I got when I, a sophomore, got a date with a junior. Yep, she was a whole year older than me and my friends were so excited. . . so here I am, now in college. Junior, sophomore, senior, or even super senior doesn't seem to matter any more. I guess that's why I like this simple memory so much, to ponder on what I've learned and come to understand. What actually matters compared to what we actually care about. Will I look back at myself in another six or seven years and see the same silly kid in college as I now see in high school?